Bikeshare Program
Program Highlights

First CID-sponsored bikeshare program in Georgia
24/7 rental access
45 bikes at 6 stations located along the Noonday Creek Trail
1st hour is FREE ($1.50 per 30 minutes after)
Rent and return bikes in Town Center or Cumberland
Questions? Need Help?
Contact Tandem Mobility Customer Support at support@tandem-mobility.com or at
Bikes are more than a way to get from place to place; they provide endless opportunities for our community. With the Town Center Community bikeshare program, you can make bikes a part of your daily commute, change up your exercise routine, or create memories with a fun family-friendly activity.
Our bikeshare program provides 24/7 rental access to 45 bikes across 6 stations in the Town Center area. Bike rental is free for the first hour and just $1.50 per 30 minutes after that. Bikers can take mid-ride stops by locking and unlocking the bike as many times as needed during the rental period.
For those seeking a more challenging ride, the bikeshare also allows the rental and return of bikes at any station in the Cumberland area. Together, the Town Center and Cumberland bikeshare programs offer a combined 12 stations and 80 bikes, allowing members to travel greater distances and explore destinations throughout Cobb County.
The Town Center Community bikeshare program is Georgia's first CID-sponsored bikeshare program. Operation, equipment and maintenance are provided via contract with Tandem Mobility and rentals are handled using the Movatic smartphone app.
Bikeshare Station Map

Founders Park

Aviation Park

Town Center at Cobb Mall

Avonlea Creekside Apartments

Bells Ferry Trailhead

Kennesaw Mtn National
Battlefield Park
Sponsored by Cobb & Douglas Public Health
Town Center Community

Hand Signals

Left Turn
Right Turn


Right Turn (Alternate)