Economic Growth
The Town Center CID is a significant partner for economic growth. Commercial property owners within our district pay an additional tax to Cobb County, which is allocated to the CID. These resources are then strategically reinvested in the community in the form of well-planned infrastructure, safety, economic development and beautification projects. This investment is essential to maintaining the area's economic vitality and attractiveness to residents and businesses. To learn more, download our current Fiscal Impact Report.
District Highlights

$62.3 M

$210 M+


2023 Priority

Town Center Community
CID Boundary

13,000 Town Center Community Residents

Over 35,000 workers commute
into TCCID every day
Job Market Growth Over
the Last 15 Years
Worker Commute from Surrounding Counties
Partners in Economic Growth
While the Town Center CID is a significant contributor to the success of Town Center Community, it is by no means our area’s only economic development tool. Our economic development partners offer a variety of resources, incentives, and assistance to business owners and developers looking to do business in Cobb County. These partners use local, state and federal resources to offer grant funding opportunities, tax credits, sales and use tax exemptions, and other incentives to give Cobb a competitive advantage.
For more information, please visit our local partner websites.