Featured Projects

Aviation Park
The vision behind the park was to engage visitors in a beautiful open environment and provide much-needed amenities along the Noonday Creek Trail. The space near the end of the runway at the Cobb County International Airport, a dedicated CID partner, led our team to the perfect park theme.
Big Shanty Lighting
One of the goals of the CID is to provide pedestrian and vehicular lighting along the major corridors throughout the district. The Big Shanty Lighting project is another step to achieving this overall safety goal.

Big Shanty Connector Phase IV
This project is the final phase of the Big Shanty corridor improvements to substantially improve east-west mobility and access to the interstate system. It includes widening the last portion of
Big Shanty Road, intersection improvements at Chastain Meadows Parkway, and a roundabout
at the Bells Ferry Road intersection.

Creative Placemaking Masterplan
The plan will look at existing projects and studies
in the vicinity and find where an overlap of use can occur from infrastructure and planning to public art and greenspace. Opportunities will be identified, in the public and private realms, to promote public art, murals, and sculptures for temporary or permanent installation.

Electrification LCI Study
The purpose of this study is to promote the installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) within the CID area to assist in the development of a national and regional
EVCI network.
Freight Cluster Plan
The Town Center CID is commissioning a plan to better understand freight-related challenges and growth opportunities and to identify projects in the area that would improve freight access and mobility. Another purpose of the plan is to identify opportunities for infrastructure improvements related to freight and workforce mobility.

Regional Connected
Vehicle Program
The Regional Connected Vehicle Program is a part of the Atlanta Regional Commissions (ARC) transportation priorities as set forth in their Transportation Improvement Program which if funded, in part, by federal money.

South Barrett Reliever
The South Barrett Reliever is a road realignment project to give drivers an alternate route around Barrett Parkway, one of the busiest corridors in Town Center Community. By facilitating interest in these alternative transportation options, the Reliever is expected to decrease traffic during peak hours by 22%.

Noonday Creek Trail
Pedestrian Bridge
This pedestrian bridge will be a safer solution for pedestrians and cyclists using the Noonday Creek Trail to cross SR3/ US41/ Cobb Parkway. The crossing includes elevated boardwalks through wetland areas.

20 Years of LCI Projects
The LCI program, initiated by the Atlanta Regional Commission, has been a key component in the growth of the district, helping us understand our strengths, opportunities, and future challenges. This has supported the district’s resilience during economic downturns and served as a driving factor for further economic development and transportation planning across the region.